AI & IOT in Blockchain Course


Blockchain, IoT, and AI are key technologies driving the next wave of the digital transformation. We argue that these technologies will converge and will allow for new business models: Autonomous agents (i.e., sensors, cars, machines, trucks, cameras, and other IoT devices) will in the future act as own profit centers that (1) have a digital twin leveraging IoT, (2) send and receive money leveraging blockchain technology on their own, and (3) autonomously make decisions as independent economic agents leveraging AI and data analytics. We further argue that this convergence will drive the development of such autonomous business models and, with it, the digital transformation of industrial corporations.

It is largely accepted that blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are being adopted at a phenomenal rate. Both AI and blockchain technologies have various technological complexity and large business implications. Blockchain and AI are among the great disruptive technologies, and in future, they will reshape how humans live, collaborate and interact.

AI and blockchain are known as the main driving entities behind today’s innovation. Both have introduced radical shifts with many aspects of human life, and it is predicted to contribute millions of capital investments to the global economy. The future is near with autonomous systems and prediction technologists who can make required contents and posts on your system of interest in natural conversations.

With the advances and arrival of more content and economy sharing platforms, this means that entities and companies will no longer be asked to trust “unreliable platforms”. So, what happens if these two technologies are combined? After careful understanding of these technologies, we will move ahead with some of the applications of using these technologies combinedly.

The Internet of things (IoT) is transforming the way enterprises operate through the use of sensors and other edge devices and infrastructure. This presents a major challenge for enterprises, which must protect information at all levels of the IoT ecosystem. With the number of connected devices growing multifold every year, data security has become increasingly complex. Blockchain is helping combat security breaches in an IoT system.




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